Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Going Global!

After taking a brief--or rather long--hiatus from blogging, I've returned with a vengeance. It's go time, baby! I have approximately two months before I graduate and the student loan payments will kick in by the end of the year. Who wants to hire an MBA?!?!

I should probably update you on what I've what been doing with myself for the last few months. Fall semester proved to be a horrendous one (which explains my disappearance). From September to December, I was interning, going to class, working part-time at school, and serving as a teaching assistant for the Winter Intersession study tour to the Middle East. I don't think I saw the light of day for 4 months. Not that it mattered anyway because the weather has been very temperamental this season (thank you El Nino!).

In January, I spent two weeks on a study tour to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Istanbul. I had an amazing time visiting companies, riding camels, and swimming in the Persian Gulf. I've always had an affinity for travelling but the trip confirmed my desire to work abroad after graduation, which is what I am currently focusing my efforts on. I submitted my resume to two of the companies we visited but it doesn't sound like either has any positions open. Regardless, the focus of my blog over the next several weeks will be on finding international work. Stay tuned and follow me on my journey as "Hire an MBA" goes global!

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